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The grandaddy of 'em all! A revolutionary impression device that you'll love and actually USE! Click here for more information!
My best Pre-Show Board, this looks like the Brown Hornet but cannot be opened unless you know how! Click here for more information!
Functions as a duplicate for both the Brown Hornet and Cicada!Click here for more information!
A miniature clipboard similar to those used to record golf or cribbage scores!Click here for more information!
An ungimmicked duplicate of the Baby Hornet.Click here for more information!
My rendition of the Impression Notebook, a favorite among working professionals! Click here for more information!
This is the BIG BROTHER of the BUTTERFLY! A 5 1/2 x 7 Mead Five-Star pad that gives you an enormous impression surface. It almost has the surface area of a clipboard, but in a very innocuous disguise.Click here for more information!
Now it comes in black! This elegant and beautiful prop is a little larger (5.90 x 3.90) than a standard notepad and gives you a bit more working room! These pads are high quality and very professional! Click here for more information!
This elegant and beautiful prop is a little larger (5.90 x 3.90) than a standard notepad and gives you a bit more working room! These pads are high quality and very professional! Click here for more information!
The nematode is the most diverse creature in nature. Therefore, I thought it only appropriate to name this versatile device after this flexible life-form. The Nematode Notebook is a variation of my other Bug Notebooks which are Impression capturing devices, yet it isn’t an Impression device at all. Rather, it uses my propretary technology as a means to switch information.Click here for more information!
A smaller version of the versatile Nematode pad - this one based on a common 3 x 5 side-opening notepad! Click here for more information!
Finally available, this is my original design for The Skeeter. It is smaller, thinner, and even more devious than the regular Skeeter. The backing is only 1/16 of an inch, making it seem impossible that it could possibly be gimmicked. Just like the regular Skeeter, it is a self-contained, instant access impression device that you can carry in your shirt pocket. Nothing to wear out, nothing to replace, and with reasonable care should last years!Click here for more information!
The Skeeter is a self-contained, instant access impression device that you can carry in your shirt pocket. Nothing to wear out, nothing to replace, and with reasonable care should last years!Click here for more information!
This Skeeter design will certainly get a RISE from your audience!Click here for more information!
An ungimmicked Skeeter (both the Thin and Standard version available).Click here for more information!
A 6 x 9 Mystifying Oracle Which Allows You to Reveal Your Audiences' Innermost Thoughts!Click here for more information!
The Pocket Ouija is a 6 x 4 version which works exactly the same way as the larger, 6 x 9 version but fits in your pocket!Click here for more information!