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John Riggs on Psi Parties Audio CD
A few years ago, Blair Robertson interviewed me via telephone and picked my brain concerning the lucrative market of Psi Parties. In the time since I wrote Psychic Soirees, I had further developed my thoughts on this venue through hundreds of performances.
Blair released this ONE HOUR interview via a download from his website for a limited time. After a couple of months, he turned the audio file over to me. My friend James Scott cleaned up the audio quality, amplified my end of the two-way dialogue (in the original format, it was difficult to hear me) and further tweaked the quality of the original recording.
Now you can have this formerly-restricted audio interview on CD format.
The topics include marketing, performance, how to deal with difficult performing situations, BOR sales, and a lot of informational tips for people who perform readings for entertainment.
John Riggs on Psi Parties Audio CD