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Ten Things a Mentalist Should Never Do



John Riggs throws down the gauntlet and challenges your perceptions about what a Mentalist should and shouldn't do as he develops his career. This doesn't focus on such commonplace questions as should you use a disclaimer or not--no; in this discussion, which is conducted in interview fashion with the help of Thomas Hastings, who attempts to keep John's restless mind on track, John tackles the business of performing, ethics, marketing, dealing with real-life situations, maintaining your personal integrity, responsibility--all sorts of topics. John performed his first professional performance at age fifteen. Thirty-five years later, after appearing in every sort of venue imaginable, he shares his experience with you. John says:

"I've always wanted to do a lecture, but not in the usual format, -- a parade of tricks followed by explanations. We have enough of these to last us several lifetimes. I wanted to do something that challenged the audience to examine their beliefs--just as my shows do for my audiences. I discussed this with my friend Chris Carter. During the conversation, the idea of a lecture about Things a Mentalist Shouldn't Do came up. I loved the idea."

This turned out to be more than just a lecture. The lively discussion between Tom and John ran almost two hours. If you're looking for tricks, this is not the place to look. If you want invaluable insights in what it is to be a professional entertainer, look no further.

Ten Things a Mentalist Should Never Do


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