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Beyond the Grave Volume 3



On this DVD tutorial, John Riggs reveals his pet method, refined though numerous real-life readings, of how to deliver a detailed twelve-month prognostication using an astrological casting chart and a set of letter dice from a Boggle game.

John walks you though the basics of Numerology, including how to calculate the Life Path Number, Personal Year, converting letters to numbers, and how to use the astrological chart with the letter dice to produce readings.

The final lesson teaches how to combine these techniques to produce the MIND-BOGGLING twelve-month prognostications for your client.

Included on this DVD is a downloadable printable PDF data file of the required Astrological chart. As a final touch, the chart has easy-to read cues so you don’t have to solve letter-to number conversions during the readings.

ALL THIS for $50. You will also need a set of BOGGLE DICE, which you can usually find on eBay for less than ten dollars.

Beyond the Grave Volume 3


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