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Cradle to Grave Volume 5
In the final volume of this eye-opening series, John Riggs further explores the fascinating, complex, and controversial area of performing divination for entertainment.
Even if you only perform readings for entertainment, you’ll nevertheless find yourself dealing with people who expect you to help them with emotional and psychological issues. How to handle yourself in these difficult situation without causing any harm to the emotionally-vulnerable people who come to you for help is one of the several topics explored in this DVD.
A five-part procedure for conflict resolution is discussed, drawn from counseling literature and real-world experience. A recommended reading list is discussed.
Advanced exploration of the topics of Evolution and Expansion allow you to take these principles even farther, in order to develop your intuition and empathy, and to weave a story about the person for whom you’re doing the reading.
More discussion on Reading Modalities, and how to integrate Cultural and Literary Archetypes into your Readings.
Knowing your oracle to save yourself from embarrassing situations.
Some stories from real life, including Precautionary Tales. Why you should take this practice very seriously.
A discussion of death. The sitter wants to know--How to talk to them about their own demise.
And more of course.
Running time is over 90 minutes.
Cradle to Grave Volume 5