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Psychic Epiphanies Volume 1



I've assembled a series of effects designed for maximum impact through the use of strong premise and presentation. Many of them use standard effect you may already own. I've looked at several so-called "standard" items with a warped and twisted eye, and saw them in a totally new light --hence the term "epiphanies" in the title. A partial list of the contents include:

THROUGH TIME AND SPACE TRANSPORTED: During a display of psychokinetic power, a signed, borrowed object travels nine hours back through time.

I AM--A REPRISE: Elemental powers run amok as you encourage audience members to help summon the sleeping spirit from within a piece of wood...leading to EXPLOSIVE results. If you like to hear them scream, this will do it.

PSYCHOSOMATIC BLISTER: I've held this one close for a long time. Through hypnotism and the power of suggestion, you raise blisters on the fingers of an audience volunteer.

DESIGN DUPLICATION DYNAMO: A tour-de-force presentation using drawings from the audience. First, three people make drawings and seal them in large, totally opaque envelopes, then mix the envelopes. You open two of these envelopes, do readings on the drawings, and return them to the artists. The third drawing, you reproduce on the outside of the envelope. Next, someone in the audience thinks of a drawing and you reproduce it.

THE LIVING AND DEAD BUTTERFLY: A living and dead test using the Butterfly Pad. New peeks!

NO PRESENTATION FOR OLD MEN: What's the most you've ever won or lost on a coin toss?

ME SO HORNET: From an unpublished Manuscript, an additional Q and A method that is extremely cool.

THE BLACK BOX COMPELS THEE: Inside a black box lies a prediction proving your omniscience.

And more, of course. This runs and hour and fifteen minutes.

Psychic Epiphanies Volume 1


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