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Gods With Feet of Clay Volume 4



This was shot in a special orbiting location between the Earth and Moon to eliminate distractions and baffle eavesdroppers and unwanted eyes. It includes:

Blindfold work, including improved peeks and ways to render obnoxious audience bullies powerless.

Swami Work, including aquitments and concealments, introducing the Boon Beetle: a Holdout device for a Boon Writer in TWO forms.

A secret ink for marking index cards and envelopes that you can remove at will, leaving no smoking-gun evidence

Inexpensive Pocket Writing implements.

Impromptu mentalism with playing cards (blasphemy!)

An opener with jumbo ESP cards, including how to make them.

And more, of course.

I took a different approach to this one. It's more relaxed; a breathing spell before I hit you hard with a very serious and solemn topic in Volume Five, one which strikes at the ethical and moral foundations of Psychic Entertainment. This is the penultimate DVD in this five-volume series. Volume Five will be on performing readings for entertainment.

Warning: There is some adult language and content in this volume.

Gods With Feet of Clay Volume 4


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