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Gods With Feet of Clay Volume 3



Contents include:

Slow-Motion Gellerism -- a slow-motion silverware bending method.

Another Peek at Jaks -- discussion of some revolutionary handling for the first and best of the peek wallets.

Psychological Bank Nite -- simple methods combined with psychological ploys.

The Marvelous Mucking Peek -- a peek I've held close for years. A thought is written on a business card which is held in full view on the palm of your outstretched hand. it's briefly covered with your other hand and you gain the information. This is no exaggeration. This is the item worth the price of this DVD in my opinion. I truly had pangs when I let this go, but it was on the verge of being tipped by someone to whom I showed it, so I thought perhaps it was time.

Reviving Room Service -- one of my favorite openers given a new life and a new handling.

Whillicker's Last Trick -- for the first time the complete handling of my SWITCHLESS razor blade trick is explained, complete with performance. This was partially described in Heavy Mental but several key points were omitted because I couldn't bear to part with them. Here, everything is explained step by step.

Like the others in this series, this is a multi-camera shoot, with extensive close-ups, over-the-shoulder and insert shots to make every handling crystal-clear.

Gods With Feet of Clay Volume 3


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